Aitchison Raffety are delighted to confirm that we formed part of the development team that secured consent for 40 dwellings (phase 1) at Gynsill Lane, Anstey; phase 2 also has a recommendation for approval subject to signing a Section 106 with Charnwood Borough Council.


With the introduction of the new National Planning Policy Framework and changes to how the housing land requirements need to be calculated, consideration of the impact of paragraph 226 needed to be undertaken. Charnwood BC have a draft Local Plan awaiting the Examinators Report. Paragraph 226 is therefore relevant and after legal opinion, the Council confirmed that they are required to show a 4 year housing land supply over a 4 year period in order to stop paragraph 11 from taking effect. With debate whether the 4 year supply needed to be provided over a 4 or 5 year period, this outlines an initial approach being taken by Councils.

Essentially, the need to show 4 years supply over 4 years means that paragraph 226 offers little by way of any easement to this requirement until the Local Plan is adopted; it also only provides a two year transition period where this ‘reduced’ requirement can take effect for Council’s adopting new Local Plans. The pressure is therefore on Council’s to progress new policy documents.

Phase 1 Layout

Expert planning and development advice

Our planning and development team are involved in a range of residential developments, from small, bespoke schemes to large proposals for housebuilders.

Should you have any queries on the implications of the new NPPF on housing supply requirements, or further projects for which we could assist, please contact Jonathan Weekes on 01604 979465 or

Jonathon Weekes